We cannot live on the shadow of sky scrapers to see the shadow become longer every week even at noon. We cannot. We cannot be satisfied to light a candle in world's second richest country of fresh water resource. We cannot be content to see ourselves living in the nation where 77%of the people are living under absolute line of poverty(according to new research in Oxford University). A country with such huge differences, unequal distribution of opportunities , resources and wealth can never commit that our tomorrow won't be like today.
We have always been told that there will always exist a monster in form of inequality, in every societies, in every communities in every corners and societies. Brothers, be aware this is a lie. And what is the truth is that we are being cheated everyday, every week, and everytime by these fucking politicians. We are acting like stupid ass who walks when a carrot is placed in front of him, hoping he can eat it. Dear politicians be aware, we aren't ass.
We cannot just be silent and watch these all like motionless statues.
Did you forget? About three years back an Indian police enters in Neplese land, rapes a girl in front of her mother, kills the mother and threatens other people. Government silent, we silent.
Did you forget the flood in Koshi? Poor ones lost their lives, their homes, their land. Government took it as a golden opportunity to take bribes. The opposition party took it as a golden opportunity to turn people against it.
Did you forget? About two years back a woman killed her own husband and ate his meat sue to acute poverty in western Nepal.
Leave those issues, people here are commiting suicides because of poverty. People are dying like animals. Their carcass is cleared from the road only in ,'Savari' of fucking leaders.
We have always been told to be patient and be calm. We have always been told that what happens, happens for good. We have always been told that it is ok to tolerate at times. Brothers, lets break that barrier today. There are something for which you must loose your patience, there are something which you must not tolerate. This is that thing. Tolerating a sin is even a bigger sin. Let the red blood make its way in your veins. Stand up and raise yourself now.
Yes, we can never create an exactly equality based society. We cannot. Everyone having exact number of cars or gizmos is impossible to create. But what we should be assured of is that the person on the same society, one rich undergoes kidney transplantation and the other dies in absence of paracetamol does not happen. What we should be assured of is that no two boys should exist in society among which one goes to school and other goes to sell tea. What we should be assured is that the willing and capable will be at right post. What we should be assured is that Nepal is a common property of all of her citizen. All the resources, opportunities, wealth of the nation must be divided equally among all the people irrespective of which colour of the flag they hold. We should be assured of better tomorrow, a tomorrow where social responsibilities are ingrained in DNA of the people, we should be assured of tomorrow where we can sit together in the same round table of economy, social status, honor, and satisfaction.