Friday, December 23, 2011

Stop your Bullshit

Dear Parents, stop your bullshit!!I don’t care how you lived back then? By having a candle placed between there of your brothers or by taking eating, "makai- bhatta", all days, I don’t care. That’s the way you lived. Now just because you lived that way doesn't mean that I can struggle the same way. Time has changed. That was not the only condition of yours but of the whole society back then, and so were you adapted to it. But as I said time has changed. And we need to adapt here, and not at black and white of 80s. We have our problems, our different goals, different thinking. So, for love of god, stop your bullshit.

Darling, stop your bullshit!!Stop living in a fantasy of Romeo and Julliet, just stop it. Stop thinking that a prince charming will come in his beautiful white horse to take you, darling, he might come in a bicycle that doesnot have horns or has just been punctured. So stop living in a fantasy and stop thinking it will work out the Cindrella way, "the happily thereafter theme". Oh for god damn!!stop your bullshit!!

Dear society, stop your bullshit!!I recognize each of your faces. The day I won, with such a small face you were giving me congratulations and I know you very well, the day I lost, you were the ones to clap at my failure, and you think you can fool me?? Stop living this dual life and stop saying that you care me. Dear society, stop your bullshit!!

Dear friends, stop your bullshit!! Where were you when I was crying alone yesterday? And where was your:: that, that big supporting hands when I had gone down to my knees? You didn’t even give a fuck to me that time, and today you are giving me those big lectures on friendship that, "Man cannot live like a drop of oil on water, he needs friends, he needs accompanies"!! Oh screw you people!!

Dear teachers!!stop your bullshit. Allright?? Do you think it is easy to come up with what Einstein did at his life and learn his theories? I don’t care whether Neil Bohr is correct or Rutherford? I just simply don’t. And common, we all students know what you do. When the topic is tough, and you have a problem, then whenever we ask questions then how nicely you modify it and nullify it. And when you ask questions and we can't answer, then there we go to another forty minutes of how you were when you were student, how you read, your percentage in bachelors, degress!! We don’t care. We simply don’t. And yes I don’t see any point in learing structures like, "मद्वरा काम गरियो।" Who says it and when?? Oh common teachers, stop your bullshit!! 

So, I've learnt that everyone should stop their bullshit. Stop advising others, stop suggesting others, stop bragging about yourself. If there is what it takes for you to win inside you, then go get it, else just shut up and stop advising about how to do it the proper way. 

Now I know that there will be many comments called, "Stop your bullshit". But anyways, till my next article, I bid good bye then, despedida!!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

She Challenges Science

She1 puzzles science. Every human is supposed to have a three layered skin. But She1 has an extra layer of skin on her face that has been deposited by the fair and lovely she has been using since she was seven years old, that was actually intended to make her skin glow after seven days she used it, but look today, she is seventeen and has already used seventeen hundred fair and lovely, no results seen but still she is very patient. Anna Hazare is panient? Ha!!! compare with her…..

She2 looks at mirror and says to herself that she is actually looking prettier by fair and lovely which is really amazing and challenges science because she neither suffers from myopia nor hypermetropia but still it is amazing that she only can see such significant outcomes. Her parents tried to convince her, they took her to Tripureshwor for eye check up, bought a new mirror, zoomed her photographs in front of her but her mind set up and earth before "big bang" are basically the same, no theories seem to work on either of the cases.

She3 is another amazing case. She has proved science to be correct + protected the nose of all those beauty products. (Umm impressive.) But the problem with She3 is that she boasts her beauty to the world just as if she is princess charming who has just landed to the earth after all the beautiful girls of the world have died…. But dear, ninety percent of your beauty, which you think exists, is washed away once you walk in rain when the ponds( googly googly) from your skin is washed off, five percent of your "self called" beauty diffuses once your strong perfume bottle is emptied, and remaining five percent of your "so called" beauty goes off once your nail polish remover is misplaced. And why are you out there thinking you are the most beautiful girl? Serious advise for She3, dear: the things you are using as beauty products are not beauty products. They are, "SHOW OFF" products. Thought of the day for you darling.

She4 is the most modern or bold or shall I say "revealing" type of girl in the college. When I am using the word, "revealing", I am not talking about her ideas, I am talking about her clothes…..I should not be saying clothes, I should rather be saying, "Clothes??" Whatever that is, there are many she4 in every college who are rather like sodium metal, common, didn’t you get it? Damn it I am trying to say, "Hot". But, darling, ninety percent of your hotness becomes "thanda" once the college bans short skirts, the remaining ten percent of your hotness will itself freeze once your dad sees you wearing transparent white shirt in your college uniform and dear what is the thing that you boast too much about? I am here sitting here with my ears opened. Enlighten me, please!!!

She5 category is the group of "shes" who wears decent, talks decent, and is satisfied to be, "She5". They don’t go out with jerks. They are bold and are proud to be who they are. They rise above the Garnier products and believe that they should be beautiful for who they are, not because who they are (clever one na?). And, umm….sad part about She5 is that they are just damn too rare…..few, damn!!! phew!!!!

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