You have somehow managed to fight, struggle and yes, WIN these eighteen years. So, a big congratulations and many many happy returns of the day, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU :) And this new digit of age comes with new responsibilities, new aims, new goals, new ambition and needless to say with new HOPE. So today let me tell you something which perhaps, you already know..:)
It’s a new day, a new beginning. Yes, we may have done mistakes in the past. We may have done idiotic things, things we wished we had not done. But perfection is a myth, it does not exist. We all do mistakes, don't we? We are all humans, and to do a mistake is perhaps a birth right. But doing the same wrong deeds again and again is foolishness and you by no means are foolish, and that is for sure. So from TODAY ON, I want you to stop worrying about past. Whether it was glorious or haunting, it is past and the sad truth is that you cannot change past. But what you have is future, a golden future calling your name, waiting for you to make a grand entry there. But you can never reach if you don’t go. The first step of getting something done is getting started. So, from TODAY ON, do not look back, because many achievements and accomplishments could never be completed because of failure to begin. Today, I want you to begin.
From TODAY ON, I want you to know that life is about finding happiness in smallest of the stuffs. Many people wander through their life in search of happiness thinking it to be a destiny. But it’s not a destiny. It’s something you create by your own. Happiness is found in the smallest of things we don’t really count. It is found in mother's smile, father's warm hug, sister's chit chat, dog's cute sleep. So learn to be happy and smile too often, after all as I have told you many times, "Keep smiling, smile is what suits you the best, just perfect".
From TODAY ON, I want you to realize that you should take nothing in life for granted. Yes, NOTHING. Because the things we take for granted are sometimes the things that mean the most to us. We are humans and as I said, we make mistakes. How many times do we realize the importance of sound health until we fall ill?? How many times we take the food for granted until we are really hungry? How many times do we take someone's presence for granted until we realize what their absence really means? So, from TODAY ON I want you to be thankful for the things you have but keep on striding for the best because life is simply not about waiting for miracles to happen. It is about believing that miracles can happen and then, making it a reality.
From TODAY ON, I want you to go out there and show what you are really worth. Stop listening to what others say or think about you. Remember in games, it is always the audience who shouts, not the players. So, from TODAY ON, Stop measuring your success based upon the success of others, the scale of measuring your success begins from the topmost level of other's success scales. And I really mean it. FROM TODAY ON, I want you to take risks and play. Its far better to live a life of, "Well", than, "What would have happened if?? .." Sometimes, as you might have discovered, you really can’t listen to others, you gotta listen to your heart and give a damn about what others think. Because at the end of the day, you are the one who has to live your life, you are the one who needs to drive your own cab of life. You are not meant to sit at passengers sit, watching someone drive your cab at the direction, THEY want you to go. You need to drive your cab by yourself.
As I am remembering you and writing for you in my desktop, I am having a hard time thinking of what you should begin because you are way wiser than me and you know what to do, when to do and how to do. But sometimes even the best fall down. Sometimes we fall hard so bad that we doubt we can stand again and we begin to question ourselves and get lost in the crowd. So when you think you are feeling low, when you think you are disappearing in the crowd, then remember me, I will always be there for you. And No, you are not meant to be lost in the crowd. And as I have known you, you are born to lead. You had once told me, "The power of spectacle decreases only among five people out of hundred. So I am among five out of hundred". No, you had lied. You are not among five in hundred. You are one in a million and I want you to remain that way. I HOPE that one day; you will realize your true potential. I HOPE that one day; you will really get what you're worth. I HOPE the crown of success suits the best in your head. Sometimes we just don’t see our true worth by ourselves, so I HOPE that one day, you will see yourself, the way I see you through my eyes, today I HOPE.