Big bang theory is an overrated, non funny, boring and
sucky tv series. Everything about the show is simply wrong. I know most of you
are fans of that ridiculous and non funny show. I actually find it funny that
how the show is not funny at all. Here are four MAIN reasons why the show is
horrible. I said, "main" because if you count all, there are like a
billion reasons why this show sucks. But these are the top ones:
1. The Background laugh
What the hell is the problem with the
editors? After everything and I mean literally, everything, they play the
track, "HAHHA"..Someone looks at other and comes the laugh track "HAHAHA"..It's like saying,
"hey idiots, it's time to laugh, why are you sitting idle, laugh".
The show is shot in front of live audience but the track they play is not from
the live shot. Yes, there is background laugh even in the epic series, "FRIENDS" but they are right bang at the time and also, they
are of the live audience only. But in Big Bang Theory, the annoying laugh track
makes me want to punch myself on my ears so that I can free my ears from the tragedy of
listening to them. Play them after you say a joke. Not 20 minutes before the
real joke. The show is just full of laugh tracks and no laugh by the people who
should laugh.
2. The Pirated Jokes
When it comes to jokes and humor, the show
is bankrupt. There are no jokes. Only background laughs. And even if there are,
almost all the jokes are the copied ones. Even "Sheldon's Spot" is
copied from Friends, where Joey Tribbiani says, "Rosetta (his chair) does
not move. That chair is equidistant from the bathroom, from kitchen, and you
don't need to strain your eyes while watching TV". I mean the main joke of
the show itself is copied without a slightest hesitation. It's just a shame on
the show!! "I love you" said Ross, 'Thank You" said Emily" in FRIENDS. ."I love you" said Leonard and "Thank you" said Penny in The Big Bang Theory. There are just tons and tons of scenes, which if I
keep on writing here will occupy a lot and lot of space. It hurts me, it physically
hurts me, you know to know that the show is getting credit for all the things
it didn't deserve. The damn writers should be sued. And upon that the way they
want to make its viewers laugh is the same. Aren't we all tired of the same
thing, that one of those four boys say something about science in a long
sentence and there is a pause for a while which is obviously filled with the
annoying backround laugh where people are laughing as cheering as if someone
put a gun on their head and said, 'Laugh bitches, laugh' and Penny says,
"What?" and again the same story with the background laugh. The show
is like (A+B)2. The same formula, again and again and again. Well,
bite me!!
3. The Characters And Couples
The only character I liked was
Howard and now they have made him marry with a weird girl with a weird name
"Burneddate"; whose pitch of speaking is higher than a mosquito.
Howard's mother used to be funny. But now, god isn't it getting enough already?
I mean she even shouts in the wedding of her son and does not come nearby. Like
common? what is wrong with the show!! And Raj? He can't talk to girls but after
having a drink he can, and after a break up he does not even need drink to talk
to them. Ahh nonsense and more nonsense. And Sheldon? God!! Sheldon is the most
irritating character in tv series. Knocking on door saying, "Penny, Penny,
Penny" in the all series and almost all episodes? The joke bag of writers
seems to be filled with crap. Sheldon- Amy? Ah isn't that the most irritating
and weird and not in a good way, but 'I want to bang my head and destroy my laptop
my throwing it off Mount Everest" way!! And Penny? Her acting is the exact
replica of Jennifer Ainston's acting as Rachel in Friends. Her expression with
mouth, gestures. They are all just the same. The set is just overcrowded and
all the people who were never required in the first place, it makes me
4. Wrong Depiction Of Nerds
The show is about nerds. But those
characters, do they really represent nerds? I myself consider myself a kind of
nerd and trust me, in my high school, my class was all full of nerds. The way
they show nerd shows how the writers and the directors have absolutely no idea,
that we are not living in 1950s anymore. Someone please hand them the calendar.
I mean the bath curtains are made of periodic table, the comics, ahh..The T-shirts that has a robot in it or with sth said like Heisenberg proability, like common!! And upon
that the way Sheldon speaks. He gets nuts when his haircut gets delayed by
a day. What are they trying to show? And for god's shake, the way
Sheldon speaks, Do nerds speak like that? I don't know why people find that
funny. An alien is more believable figure than Sheldon. Sheldon is like hundred
percent irritating and zero percent funny.
So, All in all, The Big Bang Theory is highly mundane,
overrated, moronic, crappy show about smart people which is watched by dumb
viewers who find it funny when they cannot understand what the smart characters
are saying, filled with ridiculous laugh tracks, unreal characters, pirated
jokes from the amazing series and thinks itself to be the best. When I watch
it, I can feel my brain cells committing suicide one by one!!