Thursday, August 25, 2011

God is dead

Cage all the pigeons; let vultures sing the song,
Cut all the day, make nights long
Let the dogs make sad cry and make them bark,
Cut off the light, bring again dark

Let the anarchy begin again, let the people shout
Spread the terror, bring all the coffins out
Kill the cow; better eat its meat,
Burn everyone alive, let there be heat

Let the wolves howl again, let the winds blow
Clean the streets now, let the blood flow
Spill blood everywhere, crush everyone's dream
Bring everyone out, let's hear some scream

Make the black cat free and make it run
No more light needed, kill the sun
Bring a catastrophe again, let the Koshi flood
Cut all the blue water, let there be blood

Bring all people out, queue them and kill
Let the terror begin again, bring out the thrill
Bring out all the children and chop off their head
Spread the message god is dead
Spread the message god is dead

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Before my body rots

Clouds tell me not to go, storm are coming your way
People telling me to stop if you want to see another day
My dog gives me a strange look, saying there's danger ahead master
She told she looked at the sun in the sky and smelt a disaster

I took a breath and stepped forward for a journey I may never return
There may be people around my photo to take a sad mourn
I must clear my mind and move, but for that I may die
But I can't live like this, every day with cries

If I dare, I may die, if I don't I'll sure
I finally move forward, seeking my life and its cure
They make my grave ready and I take my first step
They told me to wait brother; you're making a big mistake

I can't live like this anymore, it hurts me everyday
Listening myself called a looser and all the things they say
So, I dare to take myself far, a place far, far away
For I want to make a change and find a new way

I went to a strange place, and at first it seemed all wrong
Down I went in my knees, let the tears come
I looked here and there to see myself very far
It won't come that easy; I've got to cross my own bars

I take a long breath and wait and see
The stars conspiring against me
But walk I must and fight till end
Coz that is what life really means

I could sit in sofa set, and think myself a prince
But I dared to move forward to another thrill
They said me I would die first day, look I'm still alive
Fighting, struggling through these winds, all those doubts in mind

So here I am standing strong against the storm and clouds
Though you tried to make me fall, I ain't going down
It all started with crazy thought to make a stride in life
I made it all correct now, thanks to god, I'd not been sigh

I've got to move still far, forget the comforts and coats
Got to go where I belong before my body rots

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Friendship Day

With 103°F body temperature, a severe tonsillitis and acute headache looking at the mobile phone if one of my friends will call me to know why I was absent I write an article in my desktop entitled, "Happy friendship day".

The world is always rude and will always be. Now if you are thinking what the hell this guy is talking about, then I am talking about this:

People nowadays are turning into stones. The emotions like love, pity, happiness has all gone and if something is left in these ruthless creature, then it is hatred, shamelessness and stoneness. People can send you SMS to ask you to see your scores at certain examinations, but they can't send it to say, "hi" at times. Yes, now I am also not that type of guy that sends heart on everyone's facebook wall and asks them to send it back if you really like them.(Although I had done it one time). My point the world has become completely insane. You can throw cakes at friendship day but hesitate to share your notes. I have seen people raising their lips showing contempt and giving congratulations. Take that congratulation with you. 

You know I have heard a thousand times that a dog is a man's best friend and I always doubted it. But you know maybe that is true. They wag tail at their master only at the time they are happy. But we? We lie always. We lie about the lunch we had, we lie about how much we love each other, we lie about the things we've done. We lie a lot. 

If you can, then delete word, "I", replace it by, "we", kill your ego, value love, give smile, share thoughts….. If you can't then, get your ass out of my way. And by the way, if I forgot to say this to anyone, here I am saying, "Happy Friendship Day".

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Orientation Speech

(This was the speech I delivered at Orientation in Golden Gate International College in 2068)

Before starting anything, I'd just like to say to all of you that you are safe. You are in safe and capable hands. Chill out. This is the day you have been waiting for ten years and yes I am not going to ruin your first day in college by delivering a long and boring speech. Let me go straight forward here.

No education system provides 100%satisfaction. There is not a college available in the whole nation that you can totally rely on. There is no college that you don't regret after joining it. There are always enough areas for every colleges to point fingers at. Well Golden Gate proves these all statements wrong. And so has it been doing for four mega successful years in the field of education.

For ten years you've been buying, trading, and selling everything you've got in this marketplace of ideas. The intellectual hustle. Your pockets are full of ideas, your brain is full of idea -- and now you've got to figure out what to spend it on. So my question I suppose is: What's the big idea? What's your big idea? What are you willing to spend your moral capital, your intellectual capital, your cash, your sweat equity in pursuing outside of the walls of your school?

I don’t know the answer of the question WHAT? But I can certainly say that you chose the right answer for where to spend on. Good choice guys.

I've learnt to sing the melody line you hear in your own head. I have learnt that I don't owe anybody any explanations. I have learnt that I don't owe my parents any explanations. I don't owe my professors any explanations. You know, I used to think that the future was solid, or fixed, or something you inherited like an old building that you move into when the previous generation moves out or gets chased out. But it's not. The future is not fixed. It's fluid. You can build your own building, or hut whatever.

But my point is that I've learnt the world is more malleable than you think and it's waiting for you to hammer it into shape. Now if I were a -- a folksinger I'd immediately launch into "If I Had a Hammer" right now, get you all singing and swaying. But as I say I am a part of a sweet family called Golden Gate, so I'd rather have the bloody hammer right here in my fist and hammer it with I've all got to make my own future.

And finally, many times along the way you’re going to ask why. Why am I on this path? What is it all about? You’ll ask yourself those questions in 10 years and in 20 years as often as you’re asking them now. Well … I have an answer for you. It’s all about winning. That’s right, winning. But I’m not talking about the most points, or toys, or market share. I’m talking about winning in a contest with your own potential. I’m talking about believing in yourself enough not just to become doctors or engineers but to become the best, engineer or doctor you can possibly be. I’m talking about never measuring your success based on the success of others – because you just might set the bar too low. I’ve learned that it’s possible to set your sights high and achieve your dreams and do it with integrity, character, and love. And each day that you’re moving toward your dreams without compromising who you are, you’re winning. Look around you. You really are winning.

Now I know I blew some of your minds with my depiction of what it's really like out there. But if anyone can handle the ups and downs of this crazy blue marble we call Planet Earth, it's we guys. As I stare out into this vast sea of shining faces, I see the best and brightest. Some of you will be captains of industry and business. Others of you will go on to great careers in medicine, law and public service. Four of you -- and I'm not at liberty to say which four -- will go on to magnificent careers in the porno industry. I'm not trying to be funny. That's just a statistical fact.

As you stand here tonight, you are at the starting point of a wonderful journey. But it’s a journey that can only begin with your decision to embark. We are at a nation of un accomplishment. But the unspoken requirement of a commencement is that you now must commence. There are countless contributions and achievements that never occurred, all due to a failure to begin.

So, orientation class of 2068, now if you don't remember a thing I said, then remember this, you are going to be fine. The college you chose whether knowingly or unknowingly is the best college you could have ever chosen.

 You can chill now. Now comes time for the two best words everyone wants to hear in speech;

Thank you.

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