"Your love leaves you and you think everything ends. It doesn't. You go through a rough
rough day and think the life itself is rough. It isn't. They
laugh at us at times and we begin to doubt ourselves. We shouldn't."
I remember the day I was second for the first time in
my life. It was class 7 first term. I cried, I cried a lot, I cried my heart
out. I thought the world ended. It didn't.
I remember the day I was beaten, and by beaten I mean
severely beaten by our EPH teacher with stick and pipe. It was class nine. I
did not go to school the other day because it was just so damn embarrassing. I
thought the world ended, it didn't.
I got selected in the debate competition by SAARC. But
I couldn't secure a position there. I felt terribly terribly bad. I remember
that feeling. It was frustration mixed with anger and guilt, no need to mention
that I was engulfed by sadness. I thought the world ended, it didn't.
And I guess it does not as well. Until and unless there
is that heart within you pumping the blood, contracting and relaxing, believe
me your world does not end as well.
Yes, at times we feel everything ended. Your love
leaves you and you think everything ends. It doesn't. You go through a rough
rough day and think the life itself is rough. It isn't. We meet some bad people
and feel everyone except us is bad. They aren't. We go through some bad exams
and think we are poor at learning. We aren't. They laugh at us at times and we
begin to doubt ourselves. We shouldn't. We cry at times and think the life is
filled with tears. It isn't. We encounter some awkward and embarrassing moments
in life and shut ourselves down within four walls afraid to face the outer
world. We shouldn't.
You need to wipe your tears and begin again. Because my
friend, your world is not going to end at some awkward moment, poor result,
heartbreak, bad experiences. Trust me, it isn't. The greatest mistake one can
make is to think he is dead and not do anything when in fact he isn't. So this
is the call of the moment, get up. Because everything, and by everything I mean
everything happens for a reason.
Your love left you so that you could meet someone new
who wouldn't leave you. You met some bad people so that you know that not
everyone around you can be trusted. You went through some awkward and
embarrassing moments so that you wouldn't repeat the same mistake twice. You
went through a rough day so that you will be happy when you have a good day. I
remember a line from How I met your mother where Ted says to Barney,
"Everyday cannot be legendary. Because if each day is legendary, then none
of the days is legendary".
Because experiences will help us, both the bad ones and the good ones. You
need to know that your world does not end at some rough patches. Believe me it
does not.
It is a long, long fight. Who has seen the crystal
ball? Who knows whether there will be bed of roses or gates of fire?? You need
to prepare yourself for even harder moments. It is stupidity to give up at
something that should not even attract your attention. You are here to do
conquer, one bad storm and you are thinking of giving up?? Well you
shouldn't. Get up on your feet and fight back. Your world hasn't ended and as
long as it hasn't you need to fight. Darwin's survival of fittest, remember??
Very very inspiring! So proud to have writers like u among us!
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