"….. So vegetarians,
it makes you the looters, the burglars, who demand for justice. You are the thieves who preach morality.
You become the prisoners in the black and white stripes preaching justice. You
are two faced people who with one face are grinning on seeing the material
you are eager to loot and with other face you are shouting the slogans of
equality and moral codes. Your one hand is busy stealing and your
other hand holds flag of justice."
Just like these feminists preaching feminism outside
BICC hall at the time of beauty contests, these so called animal lovers, they
never say anything about meat except in Dashain. That’s when they preach us
about non violence and make us meat lovers feel like some monsters.
But we are not monsters. These people who call
themselves animal lovers are actually the ones who are against them. Because if
it was not for us non vegetarians, the chickens and goats would have become
dinosaurs way way ago. The entire purpose of raising these animals is meat and
when one preaches against meat then they are actually preaching against the
animals themselves. I can bet that if red deer could be reared and we could
have their meat by law, their number would increase drastically.
And aren't you the ones saying all life forms are
equal? Then well stand on your principles. Let calf have the milk of her mother,
let honey bees have their honey back, stop using lipsticks (FYI they come from cattle),
stop using shaving creams, don't keep the food in refrigerators and keep them
outside so that bacteria and fungi can flourish. Just because plants cant
scream does not mean eating them is justifiable. They are just as equal life
forms. So stop them too and well, DIE in starvation.
Just because we can, what right does it give us to take
life of another innocent creature? Well, same right which all the omnivorous
organisms have. They are our food. And you cannot ask us to give up our food. You
don't go after bears or squirrels or foxes saying, to stop eating them because
they can live on the plants too. Do you? Then why is it so horrible and monstrous
when all we are having is our food.
Just because you don’t eat them, does not mean you are
the moral ones and we are the inhuman evil people. I cannot put it in simpler way than this, "we are
having food." (tastier one than you are). And no, it is absolutely not monstrous
to eat them. And even if it is, then you are exactly as much guilty as we are.
Because by the assumption that if all the domesticated animals are freed, then
so should their land be returned to them because one way or another the world
was entirely theirs before we came. So it makes you the looters of their food,
of their homes, the burglars who demand for justice. It makes you the criminals
who cry for equality. You become the thieves who preach morality. You become
the prisoners in the black and white stripes preaching justice. You are the two
faced people who with one face are grinning on seeing the material you are so
eager to loot and with other face you are shouting the slogans of equality,
freedom and moral codes. Your one hand is busy stealing and your other hand
holds flag of justice. Dear vegetarians, how is that better?
So, yes I eat meat. And no, I am not even 1% guilty of
having my food. I refuse to believe that existence is an act of crime. I refuse to believe that having your food is an act of guilt, just as I refuse to be guilty of consuming oxygen. My existence is not something I can be guilty of and so neither am I guilty of having food to keep on surviving. As easy as that!! If having fish by bear, meat by squirrel when they could be
surviving on the plant products does not make them monsters, then well neither
am I. I am just having my food like my great great grandfather did by hunting.
So, dear vegetarians who think themselves to have the moral standards of mount Everest,
see to your sides my friend, I am also right there. My morality is just as high
as yours.
(And dear vegetarians, your taste buds know nothing.)
I am a vegetarian. If you think fish by bear, meat by squirrel is how ecosystem runs then there must be someone against us? Why eating human is not a logical thing? If so then start eating human flesh if you think that gives justice to you.
Because Daniel, nature runs on food chain; not on cannibalism.
My Dear , bear doesn't eat bear neither does squirrel.
N if der is any creature dat eats human beings den we cnt change der eco system.
We jus stay preventive.
Lik u stay preventive from wild animals.
N again my dear if u cant kill tiger den u dnt xpect d sem thing from d tiger
So let the eco system follow its trend.
We r here to bring the change for d better world not to change our own existence.
Exactly anonymous, that was what I was saying to people like Daniel.
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