Monday, May 11, 2020

Failing Love

I have fallen in love many times in my life and that means I have fallen out of it just as many times. But that is the thing about falling in love, that it is easy.

It happens naturally, when paths come together, something that is simply handed to you because you just happened to be there. But staying in love, that is another story entirely. Your emotional erection wears off and your consciousness kicks in.

And folks, I don’t mean falling with people only. I also mean with ideas. Like how excited you were when you decided to join gym or learn guitar or whatever that is, fill in the blanks please. But the point is, that it just hit you, you did not have to sweat for it, make any commitments. There was no one nagging and complaining. All you had to do was dream.

But when reality struck its claws a little deeper, then, just like staying in love with people, staying in love with ideas became harder too. Loneliness seemed lot less demanding mistress and couch seemed more soothing than the sweaty gyms. “Love is not tested at coffee table”, I had read that somewhere, “It is tested when the distance increases and moments are hard” and our love was too fragile to sustain the harsh blow of reality..

And so we watched, we watched people we  loved slip away, we watched what we could become slip away slowly, simply and finally till we were left with nothing but us and we are not sure if we love us enough to save us from ourselves.


Anonymous said...

Ones emotion can be frightening...
They can make you lonely, they can scare you off, they can entirely kill you inside but if the emotion you have for someone right then it can soothe all the pains and scars...
Feelings,can you believe the feelings you have for someone is something so unwanted to them yet you are willing to accept it..that trashy is the something called just want to let everything go for the feeling to live..
Yeah if you find someone who can find your feeling as willingly and repect that as you do and can love you back with all of them then youcan be happy you think it is possible for todays generations?...
They just want to be liked but not explore what is it to be in love and what is it to have the true feeling which is totally imaginative for today's lifestyle...
Just hope to find somone who can find you and your feelings��

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