Friday, September 9, 2011

Welcome earth to 21st century

Forests have turned into pasturelands, pasturelands have turned into deserts, clouds are bearing acids. Welcome earth to the 21st century.

World has become completely different than what it was supposed to. Snow has started to melt, birds have started to migrate, rainfall pattern is changing every now and then. USA Human Resource says the world is still sustained. How sustained it is, we all know. We have already lost large mammoths, dinosaurs, archaeopteryx. I don’t even see butterfly nowadays. Houses, houses and houses that’s what the world is covered with and we all are still satisfied sipping coffee drinks in house watching at the acidic rain fall upon us calling it romantic evening?

World is wrapped up with carbon monoxide. Earth is becoming a hotter place every year. The smoke emitted by the plane in which Obama had travelled during, "Vote for Me" contest together with John Mc Cain is believed to have produced carbon dioxide which can be purified by 35% of amazon forest. (Please don’t believe statistical data in my blog). It is an amazing mission the people now are up to, making nature adopt to us. Nobody knows the result yet, but well as I see it through my glasses; I can clearly see humans are losing.

An air conditioner can't make that big fight with the mighty sun. No matter how big companies we run of mineral water, we cannot do anything if the world undergoes desertification. We cannot live every time having oxygen cylinder in our backs. We need to learn to live here and adopt ourselves. Well that's what "Survival of the fittest" is all about.

Today we are going to lose tigers. Tomorrow we will lose deers. Then we are going to loose the whole ecosystem. And who do you blame at that time? USA or Iraq? Saddham Husain or George W Bush? Maoist or Congress??

The clock is ticking fast and it not too tough to hear. Yarshagumba nowadays is found in low heights. Snakes that had to be in Terai are spotted here in Kathmandu. Anyhow our generation may survive. But really? 


Samrat Babu Koirala said...

Guys, post the comment.
just click on comments,
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select anonymous if you dont have other id and then, write comment and dont forget to write your name at last.......

Anonymous said...

Yes, this is the moment we must save earth...............

Samrat Babu Koirala said...

Please dont forget to write your name

Anonymous said...

loved it, man

deepika thapaliya said...

i agree with you...we must take initiatives now...certainly earth will end if this continues

dinesh pokhrel said...

really it makes us feel to save our environment

sarina upreti said...

i really like your views and i hab beena gr8 fan of yours

resha thapa said...

u must be a writer......i dont know u personally but now ia m yopur gr8 fann....

Samrat Babu Koirala said...

Please dont. That in turn comes with great responsibilities.................

SUBARNA said...

well written we have to think other wise we have to struggle for our existence.........

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