Friday, March 22, 2013

The Science

"Oh shut up!! Science handed you internet, you watched porn..."

You were rubbing stones, science gave you iso-butane in gas cylinders. You were afraid of dark, science gave you lamps. You were watching shadows to calculate time, science put a watch in your hand. You were using stones for addition and subtraction, science handed you calculator. You wanted to run real quick, science gave you vehicles. You wanted to hear far, far away, science gave you telephone.

You got swine flu, science made vaccine. You had a heart break, science made anti-depression pills. Your neighbors didn't want to hear your music, science made earphones. You wanted to use computers by sitting under your warm blanket, science made laptops. Laptops became heavy, science made tablets. What the hell do you want more?

Science has always been a boon and only boon. Oh shut up!! Science handed you internet, you watched porn. Science gave you medication, you turned it into drugs. Science gave you telephone, you used it to make bluff calls. Science made rockets to go to moon, you were the one to ignore your neighbors. Science made poison to kill rats, you attempted suicide. Tomorrow, science will make invisible cloth and you will be the one to loot the banks.

Science is not a curse my friend, it is a boon. That little dark thought you have in your head, yes that is the curse.


Anonymous said...

Absofuckinlutely A.W.E.S.O.M.E.

Anonymous said...

Man, awesome post you made there.

Samrat Babu Koirala said...

Cheers!! :)

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